Your ADS
Course Overview
Did you know that there are nearly 30 different hybrid models on the road today?
- Are you ready to respond to a motor vehicle incident involving a hybrid?
- Are your members aware of the unique dangers surrounding these vehicles and how to minimize the risk to both themselves and victims?
- Are your personnel familiar with the new types of occupant protection systems found in vehicles and how to handle them?
Hybrid Vehicle Training
This program has been delivered to numerous emergency services organizations with very positive feedback. It has also been presented at the NY “Vital Signs” conference and the hybrid vehicle portion of the class has been featured at Fire Engineering's Fire Departments Instructor’s Conference (FDIC) in Indianpolis for the last two years.
Throughout the training program, the Instructor will dispel some of the commonly held myths surrounding hybrid vehicle extrications. Emergency personnel will be educated on the unique dangers and learn how to minimize the risk to both themselves and victims.
From an in-depth look at the technology in hybrids to response procedures, this training covers everything needed to operate safely and effectively around hybrids. Discussions of how hybrids impact on-scene operations from safety, to vehicle fires to extrications will be empahsized. We will also review case studies of actual incidents involving hybrids.
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